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Combine Tai Chi with Swimming PracticeCombining the art of Tai Chi with swimming may seem somewhat strange, but in reality, the two have much in common. Tai Chi is all about making a series of smoothly executed movements in synchronicity. Swimming also requires that fluid execution of a few repetitive movements. natural swimmer does not have to show a particular grace for the ability but should be able to demonstrate competence. Tai Chi focuses on having firm control of the body’s movements and guiding the said body to execute a series of slowly timed and complex movements. A natural swimmer can learn from the art of Tai Chi and apply those lessons to their own swimming by effecting faster and more powerful strokes and doing so more silently than before. A swimmer must learn when and how to apply that power to create that powerful stroke. That means using minimum effort at the right time to bring about maximum effect. When performing a backstroke, the power of propulsion comes from the arms and back muscles. To cut back on water resistance and achieve greater distance with each stroke, the lower part of the body, the hips and legs, should be raised further out of the water when executing the stroke. As a swimmer kicks to raise their hips and legs out of the water, they create a greater disturbance on the surface of the water. In order to understand how the body’s positioning in the water affects the outcome of a stroke, one can apply Tai Chi with swimming technique. Deliberately taking the time to act out each stroke slowly will give a swimmer a clearer idea of which movements are preventing him from achieving his goal and make appropriate adjustments. They are able to practice in their chi for better swimming. Followers of Tai Chi are very dedicated and can be seen in parks across the country assembling in their groups every morning to practice. That same dedication can be applied in attempting to improve one’s swimming technique. It doesn’t take just one session to figure out what body movements are preventing improvement. A serious swimmer will repeatedly have to try out new movements to see where the problem is. When they touch on the perfect swimming technique, a swimmer will have to diligently practice. In time, they will simply find themselves doing it naturally and without effort. There are tools that can help a swimmer measure the results of their movements. Training fins are one of the tools that can be used to measure drag, and determine if the new execution of strokes is having a positive effect. We have determined that a part of Tai Chi is the slow and silent execution of movements. Training snorkels help to determine the level of noise and disturbance caused by every movement one makes in the water. By practicing slowly and with purpose improves your endurance swimming in an enjoyable, effortless fashion that you cannot feel guilty about. Improving one’s swimming technique takes time and requires commitment. A person must take time to carry out their already learnt movements at a slow pace and examine objectively what areas there may be a problem. They must also be patient enough to try out different adjustments to their technique and judge which ones will prove effective. Time must also be taken to practices the new movements and master them. Being able to unconsciously, execute an improved stroke allows the swimmer to focus more on other aspects of swimming like breathing. If the swimmer can successfully regulate their breathing, then they will be calmer, and in better control of their movements; this will bring about quieter, more tranquil executions. Combine tai Chi with swimming for better swimming and more effective practice. back to the top of tai chi with swimming page Don't just build a website, build a web business! Beauty is just a click away! Visit me, your Independent Beauty Consultant. ![]()