The human body is not originally patterned to handle the bulk of stresses and restlessness that modern living possesses. It was not designed to take in and ingest the toxic substances that are ever-present in the world today. This explains why so many people are developing diseases that are yet to be explained by modern science. When modern diseases are yet to be explained and managed with the appropriate treatment, the cranial sacral therapy offers relief to the overwhelming stresses and trauma that most people handle nowadays. The cranial sacral therapy taps into the body’s rhythmical movements and corresponding energies to understand the imbalances in the human health blueprint. Believing that such imbalances to health start at cellular levels, this form of therapy helps free and resolve trapped forces within the body to jumpstart healing and ensure positive responses to healing processes.
The main intention of cranial sacral therapy
is to initiate the body’s self-healing processes in non-invasive ways. When
orthodox treatment pounds the body with routine drugs, it facilitates the
reemergence of respiratory motions to release the tensions embedded by daily
stresses into the body. It offers support in delivering orders to jumpstart
every living cell’s natural ability to heal. With the dynamic approach to
treatment proposed by cranial sacral therapy,
expressing full and balanced health will naturally follow. The observation of
this therapy among natural swimmer has
emphasized its beneficial effects in promoting better overall health and
Cranial sacral therapy is done using soft hand touches making subtle rhythms
that may palpate in the body. It basically uses light touch massages that
establish cranial rhythmic impulses, which are expressed at an average rate of
8 to 12 cycles per minute. The tide of impulses suggested by this form of
therapy is designed to produce rhythms with rhythms. This tide of rhythm
reaches the membranes and fluids that surround and protect the brain. In a way,
this form of therapy nourishes the brain and spinal cord to connect subtle
movements to a network of interrelated tissues that can dampen the harmful
effects of daily stresses and other environmental factors that compromise
Cranial sacral therapy simply helps restore
balance in the environment and spinal chord. Referring to early science
education, the brain as well as its components is the center of all biological
processes. As you look back, brain fluids (hormones) orders and manages vital
bodily processes, including self-healing. In this light, nourishing the brain
can potentially alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, especially sports
injuries that a natural swimmer may
Cranial sacral therapy presents a holistic
approach to promoting better health. When the brain and the mind is
interconnected with bodily processes, initiating the delivery of order for
self-healing, from the brain to the affected region of the body, is what this
therapy is all about. However, this form of therapy does not hold all the
answers to health conditions such as in cases of acute aneurysm or pre-existing
bleeding disorder.
The effects of cranial sacral therapy vary
from person to person. When it takes time for others to enjoy the benefits of
this therapy, some may immediately see results. On the average, patients must
keep regular therapy schedules in the course of several weeks to months.
Thanks to the early works of Drs. Sutherland and Upledger, the father of cranial sacral therapy, patients with chronic
health conditions are presented with another promising solution to better
health. Physiotherapists, osteopaths and massage therapists have already
adapted the bodywork involved in this therapy. Its drug-free and non-invasive
treatment approach makes the better choice for patients who wanted to wean off
their long-term dependence on drug-based and other risky treatments.
Today's Daily Swimming workout:
Warm-up: 500 freestyle straight followed by a 100 breaststroke kick, 200 Individual Medley, 100 butterfly-on-back kick, 100 straight freestyle
20 X 50 with long swim fins on alternating backstroke and freestyle, working on rotation
16 X 50 Individual Medley order
Pull with handpaddles: 6 X (25 butterfly, 100 freestyle, 25 breaststroke)
8 X 75 freestyle except Number 3 and 6 are backstroke
Warm-down: 100 super slow tai-chi style freestyle, 100 breaststroke, 100 freestyle
Total: 4100 meters or yards depending on the length of your pool
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