Swimming with Your Body's Energy Systems

Your guide to recognizing the harmonious energetic union of the body, mind and spirit that aid in your quest to become a naturally Better Swimmer and your most healthy person.
Become a NATURAL SWIMMER: one who swims at ease and is at their healthiest.
Learn Natural Healing techniques.
Explore Energy Medicine.
Find your Chi.
Investigate Ocean life’s natural swimming ability.
Realize the energetic patterns of Reiki.
Detect your Aquatic spirit.
Have fun with Color’s unseen meanings.
Discern the best Swimming Gear for yourself.
Know the importance of Nutrition.
Swim Open Water.
Learn more on taking care of your skin and not only feeling better by swimming, but by looking better too!
Find out more About Me on the mkswimessence page
Natural swimmer offers a different approach to swimming, through the harmonious union of body and mind, making you a healthy individual.
Swimming involves movement patterns, which require conscience thought, but it is made easier as you perceive and respond to the natural movements of the water. It also involves repetitive movement patterns-coordinating opposite arm and leg movements through pelvic core stabilization, with balance as the unique element.
As human swimmers, we're on a path to enjoy and master life. As natural swimmers, the balance of mind and body energies can help us achieve effortless and graceful movement, while providing a positive experience that boosts self-confidence or abilities. These are the energies that propel us effortlessly, through seas of water or life.
- Your Swimming Shaman
- Swim better, eat better, feel better - the energies that go into being your best endurance athlete and person.
- Daily Swimming Workouts
- Swimming workouts that create better fitness, incredible energetic flow states and an awesome inner awareness.
- Swim Better - Find Your Chi
- Swim better by achieving greater balance, streamline for less resistance and learn more efficient breathing - find your chi.
- Swimming Strokes Found in History
- The history of swimming strokes is individualized and includes the four competitive swim strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breastroke, butterfly.
- List of Swim Drills
- Carefully practicing swim drills creates a continual improvement in your swimming strokes.
- Open Water Swimming Invites you to the Deep End of the Ocean
- Open water swimming tests your skills by swimming like a little fish in the open water of an ocean, river or bay.
- Coach Emmett Hines
- Emmett Hines was one of the top masters swimming coaches in the United States. His presence is still present in my swimming and my own coaching of others today.
- Being a College Swimmer is Incredible
- College swimmer s are a group of people sharing good fellowship with each other and there is a loyalty and warmth among the group.
- Female Swimmer Important in Time
- The female swimmer has proven that they can be as fast and as agile as men while holding their own in the water.
- The Male Swimmer has an Increased Interest
- The male swimmer appeal hasn’t been here as there wasn’t a lot about the sport and many people couldn’t understand why a person would choose to swim over hitting a ball.
- Swimming Gear for all Natural Swimmers
- You can recognize a natural swimmer who trains in a pool from their bag because their bag resembles their locker which carries swimming gear.
- Swimmers Ear is Painful if not Dealt With
- Swimmers ear is different from a typical ear infection and can be incredibly painful for the sufferer.
- Chi is Everybodies Life Force Energy
- Chi simply defines the movements in life.
- Energy Medicine Keeps You Healthy
- The practice of energy medicine empowers many people to take charge of their health, manage debilitating illnesses and fight them without the intervention of drugs.
- Natural Healing is Possible
- Natural healing can be achieved through a number of different methods through the process of providing full care to your system, without the use of invasive means.
- Nutrition and Natural
- Whether you are a fish, whale, seal or human, nutrition should be a natural and instinctual thing.
- Ocean Life at its Finest
- Studying ocean life will improve our ability to swim naturally.
- Deep Sea is as Varied as it is Beautiful
- There is much that mankind can learn from the creatures of the deep sea.
- The colors of the Natural Swimmer Open Water
- Colors of the world’s open waters tells much about its climate within its nature much like the aura possessed by a natural swimmer.
- Coral Reefs: An Overview
- Coral reefs are a calcium carbonate that the corals secrete.
- Skin Care is Important to Swimmers Too
- Skin care is important to swimmers exposed to hours of chlorine while training for their races.
- Contact Me
- Contact me with questions, comments or concerns.
- Privacy Policy
- We recognize that your privacy is important.